Home Gardening Synonyms

By | February 3, 2025

Home Gardening Synonyms – Welcome to Episode 6 of Power-Up Learning at Home, where we share fun ideas for improving vocabulary at home. Click the links below to read ideas shared in other episodes:

All of the ideas shared in these blogs are based on the eight Power-Up strategies from my Word Power approach to vocabulary learning. Click the link to read sample pages from my new book, Word Power: Expanding Vocabulary Instruction (2019).

Home Gardening Synonyms

We’ve had some lovely weather in North Yorkshire this week and the kids and I have been spending a lot of time in the garden. I thought it would be a great opportunity for Power-Up gardening words to reinforce their word knowledge on this topic. First, I encouraged them to DISCOVER words they already knew about the topic. Below, you can see the words listed in their Word Power notebooks, for example

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. We don’t have a conservatory, so I was surprised to see this word, but then I remembered that my grandparents had a conservatory at home, which I often talked about with the kids. Unlocking these words gave us a good springboard to connect new language with existing knowledge.

At home (image below), but if you don’t have access to a thesaurus, https://www.thesaurus.com/ will do the trick too. Since this terminology is unfamiliar to them, we also talked about the word “synonym”. I encouraged them to focus on the word-forming element “syn” in the words “synchronization” and “synergy,” which means “together or with.” Synonyms are words that have the same (or almost the same) meaning as other words. I had to help them go through the thesaurus because they weren’t familiar with that either.

In the image below, you can see the words my youngest found for each of the target words through the thesaurus research:

Then, we went outside to find examples of our new words in the garden hunt. They also had the opportunity to strengthen their handwriting with chalk to write new words on our playground.

A Complete Dictionary Of Synonyms And Antonyms Or, Synonyms And Words Of Opposite Meaning By Samuel Fallows

The next day we went back to our target words and I wrote them individually to add to the “Word Power Jar” – a collection of all the words we’ve studied together over the last 3 weeks. Before adding them to the jar, we played a game called “Which Word” Power-Up.

They’d never heard of a “green thumb” (someone with a knack for growing plants) before, so we looked into the etymology of Power-Up for the historical origins of the phrase. One reference says that it got its name from the color left on the “thumb” and that it helped the new word stick because of the specific reference. Interestingly, we learned that Americans use the expression “green fingered” instead of “green thumbed”, so we enjoyed exploring these differences together (especially since the boys and I are both American and British).

Since the words “sprout” and “grow” are new to children, we took the time to explore the difference in meaning between these words. “Germination” describes what happens when seeds or spores begin to grow, while “cultivation” is what we do to a place or area to prepare it for cultivation. I wrote both words and helped the children focus on the suffix “bar” to help them Power-Up morphology (referring to units within words). We looked at other words with this suffix and talked about how the verb “are” is a verb – changing the root word into a verb.

To help them make connections between words, we then explored the connections between words using a strategy called “semantic grouping.” This technique helps students consider how words are used together to describe ideas or processes. You can see the connections we made with the target words in the next image.

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The next day we went back to our words to play the Power-Up visual connections “link words” game. To play this game, I wrote one of our target words in the middle of a page in their Word Power notebooks. Their challenge was to find visual connections to “connect” the words together.

All this practice was good rehearsal to strengthen our visual memory of our new words. After playing the crosswords, the youngest said, “It looks like a crossword puzzle!” – he said. Free templates from Discovery Education’s Puzzlemaker. We then emailed the puzzle to Grandma and Grandpa to see how well they did on our puzzles. We are still waiting for the verdict!

I hope you enjoyed this episode of Power-Up Learning at Home. Next time we’ll explore some fun things to explore with wordplay in our latest episode. Until next timeā€¦

An English specialist providing specialist training and support to schools and settings in the UK and abroad View more posts A traditional kitch gard, vegetable garden, also known as a potager (Frch jardin potager) or kailaird in Scotland.

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Ornamental plants and lawn areas are the remaining space of the residential garden. It is used to grow edible plants and often some medicinal plants, especially historically. plants are grown for subsistence; A commercial operation growing a variety of vegetables is often called a market garden (or farm), although some seasonal surpluses are given away or sold. Kitch gard is distinguished not only by its history, but also by its functional design. It differs from the lot, the kitsch garden is located on private property or very close to the residence. It is considered important that the chef can quickly enter the kitchen.

Historically, most small gardens in the village were probably used primarily as kitchens or as kitchens, but in large country houses the small garden was a separate area, usually rectangular and enclosed by a wall or fence, the walls of which were useful for training fruit trees. shelter from the wind. Large examples of this often include greenhouses and stove-warming greenhouses, as well as flowers for indoor display; orange was the best kind. In large houses, the kitch guard is usually placed diagonally at the back and side of the house, which does not obstruct the view of the front and back facades, but is still quickly accessible. In some cases, cut-resistant flowers are grown outdoors rather than in a flower garden. A large country house can afford no vegetables, herbs, or fruit, and the surplus is generally distributed as prest; A walled example at Croom Court in England covers seven acres,

A symbol of American self-sufficiency and colonial homesteading, practical cottages were a staple of early American home life. In Europe, especially in Great Britain, food supply difficulties during the Second World War led to a huge, if temporary, increase in the cultivation of vegetables in small gardens, with the great courage of the government’s Ministry of Food. In modern gardening, there is an interest in integrating the cultivation of food plants mainly within the ornamental garden; Fruit trees and herbaceous plants are the simplest and most popular examples of this.

In large country courtyards, walls also served to hide the small garden, “the main place of work … from the polite grounds”, which often contained very large orchards and gardens.

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Buggers were often expected to stay away from the main “best guard” during predictable parts of the day when family and guests might be present, depending on the season, the number of guests, and the host’s preferences. Guard walks, and kitsch guards are provided somewhere to occupy themselves at this time. Generally, visitors were not expected to enter without permission. But beginning with Louis XIV, some masters liked to show guests a petit garde, especially if they knew they were interested. In the courtyard of Versailles, not adjacent to the main courtyards, there was a large potager area with a thick wall that allowed visitors to accompany the king to the top to get a better view of the castle’s battl

Frch physician and printer, Charles Estyn, wrote in detail about Maison Rustique 16th ctury Kitch Gard; his book is composed mainly of classical authors. This practical garden had to be separated from the pleasure garden by a thick fence or wall. Estin believed that the fences were flexible, economical, and easy to repair and maintain, but at least in the later period the walls appeared to be conventional; Some were hot walls, their central cavity heated by furnaces. Of course, the walls leave more clues for the Gardian archaeologist. According to Estin, the hedge can be planted with red and white eggplant bushes, honeysuckle and olive trees, oak trees, white thistles, wild apples, brambles and holly trees. There were nets

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