Home Gardening In Sri Lanka – Sri Lanka’s tropical climate is conducive to Plant life and it is very common to find beautiful Home gardens with a variety of Plants and Trees throughout the island. Home gardens in Sri Lanka often have many flowering plants as well as a variety of attractive foliage and many types of fruit trees. Here is a small home garden on the outskirts of Kandy in Sri Lanka that spreads over 40 plots of land. People can have ideas about home gardening design from landscape picture photos. In this environment, the average temperature varies between 20-30 C and the temperature varies around 70%-95%.
During the Monsoon, many species of Ferns bloom, especially in places that are wet and exposed to sunlight. Current Fern species thrive well during this period. Leaves of all shades of Green are a common sight then, and they hold well even in the inter-monsoon seasons.
Home Gardening In Sri Lanka
A particular treat here are some photos of a group of Bat Black Flowers or Yaka Mala (Devil’s Flower) [Tacca chantrieri of the yam family Dioscoreaceae] plants in this garden that have been there for many years. Among the pages are pictures of many types of Ferns, Spanish moss, Leaves and Flowering Plants such as Orchids and Anthuriums. A special mention should be made of the trees bearing various fruits like Coconut, Kral Coconut, Avarcardo, Mango, Orange, papaw, Veralu, Anoda, Pera, Plantains and Jambu which are distributed in this garden.
Government’s Home Gardening Programme Archives
The locally named air plant is the Spanish fly or tall fly or gray beard (Tillandsia usneoides) which is abundant throughout the garden under the shade of the larger trees. Although not a real rocket, it does produce its own nutrients. It does not depend on the tree or branch on which it grows. Here they were distributed by tying a small group of bees to the trunk of a tree. It is an epiphyte and almost reaches the ground from the branches on which it grows.
Another interesting fern is Beduru which is the local name of the fern. It is the leaf of the Oak Fern or Drynaria quercifolia. It is also an epiphyte. It is believed that they have existed on earth for hundreds of millions of years. This is a rainforest plant and it is evident from the two trees that have been distributed that it has adapted wonderfully to the climate. Many other types of flora can be identified from the large pictures that are attached to the small pictures.
This is a time when the whole world is facing a crisis of the Greenhouse effect, which heats the Earth’s surface with the Sun’s rays and exceeds the normal safety levels. Plants help to reduce this effect by absorbing CO2 from the atmosphere. Every year the world is losing its forest land due to human activities. Those who go out of their way to maintain a home garden with plants and trees are constantly helping Nature to recover even in a small way from the influence of the Greenhouse and thus become Eco-Friendly characters. Such a person can be proud of his commitment to the concept of Saving Nature. Planting even one tree in your home garden will put you in the forefront of caring people who will leave something useful to the next generation that cannot be valued in terms of money.
What about having the luxury of living plants covering the house you live in? It’s a very simple process when you have several pots of suitable plants that are milked in regular sized pots in your garden. A flowering plant can be kept indoors for a week and then replaced with another one left in the garden outside the house. You can repeat this process and only need two sets of pot plants. Having a few plants inside the living area will improve the overall look of the space with its vibrant greenery and eliminate boredom and monotony in a home with vibrant energy!.
Beautiful Kandyan Home Garden In Sri Lanka,picture Design Ideas
Ferns are provided with the necessary conditions of soil, moisture and temperature, they are planted in pots and containers. By observing the natural environment of ferns, one can generate ideas on how to prepare one’s surroundings to accommodate the proliferation of ferns. They can be found growing well in the fine and fibrous soil on the limestone on the wet banks of water courses. itched Thus creating conditions of shade, moist atmosphere, good drainage on the root and shelter from strong wind will create a favorable condition for the sprouts to grow well.
There are two classes into which Orchids can be divided. They are ground orchids (terrestrial) and Orchids naturally grow on trees (epiphytes) but do not feed on the trees they grow on (not parasites). It is important to note that those belonging to the dry zone, when removed from humid climatic conditions, often thrive properly. Most orchids grow well in full sunlight, provided there is adequate moisture for their roots. Others thrive best in light shade to grow and flower best. That is why pot cultivation is the best for home gardening of Orchids. The concept of local food has a new meaning for food and economy, writes Bhagya Wijayawardane, 29, a reporter from Colombo, Sri Lanka, who maintains “food forests” for urban and rural areas. rural residents.
I once visited the lovely Belipola Forest in the lush hills of Sri Lanka’s Uva Province, which is also the birthplace of the Analog Forest.
This was the place where I realized the importance of designing, experimenting and living in an integrated, interconnected and abundant way on this planet.
Singaporeans’ Appetite For Farming Growing
After seeing the dependence of the villagers of Belipola community on the vegetable, herb and fruit gardens that they grow for their daily needs and the sale of products that create livelihood opportunities for the villagers, it made me think if such a model can be adapted in the cities. cities
I am convinced that a food secure world is a place we must build for ourselves and for future generations in which everyone, regardless of gender, can easily access sufficient amounts of nutritious food to live a long and healthy life. live
However, in order to transform food security from a dream into a reality in my country, I realized that we need to make many changes in our economic and social policies and actions, which I see as a process of recovery that needs to start over. met him. basic level. For example, in order to have food security, everyone must have access to decent work and a living wage, which today’s minimum wages are very low. In addition, we must reduce food waste in every possible way, the most important thing is water. Food production requires water, so we must secure our water by reducing water waste, and by connecting to rain and gray water systems.
Interestingly, this form of sustainable agriculture in the form of food forests or forest gardening has been practiced by many indigenous cultures, and we have several demonstration sites in Sri Lanka. By definition, it is a low-maintenance plant-based food production practice that replicates natural ecosystems, including fruit and nut trees, shrubs, grasses, vines and perennial vegetables.
Conservation Of Threatened Rainforest Tree Species In Southwestern Sri Lanka
In addition, useful plants and companion planting are a large part of the food forest system. These methods provide natural moisture as well as heat and cold protection. They conserve water, build soil, and control pests. The combination of companion planting, which includes different plants, makes food forests more attractive to any gardener or farmer because they are low-maintenance, high-resilience, and productive farming systems that require less manpower and can meet caloric and nutrient needs. bring of many people in a relatively small space.
Although the modern industrial agricultural system is largely dependent on inputs such as fossil fuels and artificial herbicides, pesticides and fertilizers, a food forest once created is self-sustaining and highly productive, making
it more popular today. does
It is alarming to note that climate change is increasing the incidence and severity of extreme weather events such as droughts, floods, record temperatures and frost. These hinder farmers’ ability to grow and store food in safe environments. We can clearly see that by developing local food systems, we reduce the distance that food must be transported to reach consumers, which makes buying from the community a smarter and cheaper option.
Locally produced food significantly reduces food-related carbon emissions and dependence on imported food. As such, local food producers—whether urban farmers, community gardens, or backyard gardens—are important, especially since they are more connected to the community in which they operate than agribusinesses. As a result of this relationship, local food farmers tend to focus only on profit at the expense of the health of their communities and the environment. Instead, they try to find their own way
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