Which Way To Run Vinyl Plank Flooring

By | January 21, 2025

Which Way To Run Vinyl Plank Flooring – We are quite experienced when it comes to testing different types of flooring. We don’t install floors every day, but we have done many different types. In the past, we have installed tile, hardwood floors, engineered hardwood, and laminate flooring. But one thing that is relatively new to the DIY world at large is Luxury Vinyl Plank (called LVP) and I’m very excited to get my grubby hands on it! In my closet, we removed the rug to make it look cleaner and updated and I thought it might be worth checking out as an option. I’m very happy because now I want to. OBSESSED.

If you are looking for more information about LVP, here is an article about the specific type to buy and will guide you through all the pros and cons of this product. It looks like wood, it’s ridiculously easy to install, waterproof, and so easy to clean. Oh and did I mention it’s affordable and virtually indestructible? Sounds like a winner to me! But I’m not here to convince you to try LVP….I want to talk about installation.

Which Way To Run Vinyl Plank Flooring

Today I want to share with you tips on how to install luxury vinyl plank flooring and how we did it in our own space.

Luxury Vinyl Planks Orientation?

I heard about Luxury Vinyl Plank flooring over a year ago, but I never saw it in action until last year when my brother and sister installed it in their basement. They finished the place there and it looks amazing. I look forward to showing you when it’s done. The floor looks so easy to install and virtually no preparation is required! After a little research, I heard

LVP has VOCs (not good) and after I did some research, I found that I don’t worry about Duralox. The brand is exclusive to Floor & Decor (one of my favorite places to get a box!) so I went there and picked up this beauty. It’s called Highland Gray Salvage by Duralox Performance. That’s $2.59 per square meter.

It has a lot of veining and variations which will be perfect to enhance your personality. It also has a warm, gray tone so it works well with the adjacent rug.

Another reason I chose this specific one is because it has a foam back. Most LVP has a foam or cork backing and this one specifically says it can be installed directly over slightly irregular subflooring (which is exactly what we have!). It’s just a perk because I honestly love the color so much, I’m not going to change my mind.

A Beginner’s Guide To Installing Vinyl Plank Flooring

For our flooring, we had to remove the existing carpet and clean everything. I wrote a whole post about the process here.

I know that the starting point will be the door to the closet but if you are not sure, here are some tips. First, decide which direction your floor will run. In addition, you can choose which wall to remove. Remember that all walls are not square so allow yourself some margin. It is good to do a dry run where the planks will lay and if they run on the same layer as the subfloor, you may want to change the plan. Speaking of the subfloor, any squeaks (aka baby-waker-uppers) must be taken care of when it is exposed….you will hate to lay the floor and then realize that every time you walk louder than three years. And we all know that can be LOUD.

Also, the floor doesn’t have to be smooth, but it’s great for removing staples or protruding nails from the subfloor. It will make the installation easier.

You will need a straight edge, a pencil, a rubber mallet, a razor, a pair of needle nose pliers and a triangle. It is also really helpful to have a table saw to tear the boards down but you can totally get away with doing it with pliers and a razor – so if you can’t afford or borrow one, don’t sweat it.

How To Stagger Vinyl Plank Floors

In certain types of LVP, the board has a different pattern. Some are darker, some are lighter, some have knots, some have long cracks, etc. The point of laying this floor first is to be able to choose the next pattern so that it looks natural and balanced. You don’t want all the patterns to be the same. You also don’t want light or dark bits that look awkward. Choosing the next place in your configuration is the hardest part of the installation process. It’s good to lay everything out and sort by type so you can see how you need to mix everything for the most natural look.

The first is the starting point for the pattern and for the rest of the floor. We decided to lay ours perpendicular to the length of the closet and wanted a doorway to open to one solid piece.

When we laid the first piece, it is meant to measure on the left side and cut that piece to length so that the middle piece is perfectly centered.

After inserting the left corner piece and the middle piece, the rest is measured and we put the third piece in place so that the first row is finished.

Installing Luxury Vinyl Flooring

The seams (where two boards meet in the same row) should be spread out so that you do not have two layers in two neighboring rows next to each other. My general rule of thumb is 6 inch spacing. As long as the row has a seam of at least 6″, then the board looks good.

Of course, you can choose a pattern if you choose, but we like the look of having different stitches so no mistakes are visible.

Removing the board is very easy. This is a thin and light board. When you measure the length of the board you need, mark it with a pencil. If you are measuring to the left of the center board and need an exact measurement, select the desired board and rotate it 180 degrees. Then lay in place and mark the length.

Using the mark as a guide, draw a straight line on the board or simply align the straight line.

Can I Install Vinyl Floors Under Cabinets?

Using a razor or a box cutting knife, cut the TOP of the LVP with a few swipes and moderate pressure.

In cases where it does not cut all the way through the foam backing, you may need to run the razor down the line again. Now you have a perfectly cut board! No saws!

Installation of LVP is a breeze. It has a locking edge that hugs it close to the neighbor and it is super easy to install.

First, take the board and the width up at an angle of 45 degrees. Then place the top edge to the edge of the board received above. We left a margin on the drywall side and that’s a good idea if you’re in a climate where the temperature fluctuates.

Luxury Vinyl Plank Flooring For Bartram Park Condo

Get the board as close to the top board as you can before forcing it down flat. We will use a rubber mallet to make sure it fits.

The next board in line will have the same process. Angle up 45 degrees, push the top in place interlocking with the top row and align the edge with the neighboring board. Then slowly push down. Use a mallet on the bottom edge and sew.

Most of our places will be very close. HAIR closed. In case they are not close, it will be because we did not use the mallet to double check that all the layers were well aligned.

One of the best tips for you is that when you choose a place for the LAST point in a row, cut off the rest and use it to start the next row. If your stitches are closer than 6″, then get one that works and save that piece for the third row. Either way, you’ll create less waste and less work!

Which Direction Should You Run Your Wood Flooring? Well… — Designed

We have a really weird layout for this closet and we want to put LVP over everything (even though it will waste space) because it will hold the floor in place better. That means we ran into a small bump out and had to cut corners. Literally. Figuratively this is not a shortcut ?

Part of the line here will be removed but we still need a length and Jeremy marked the part to cut out.

Then you score two lines. This requires a few swipes to count. You can always cut this with a table saw but we were trying to figure out how to do it without a power tool.

Make sure the score is on both lines and then
you want to grab the piece you’re going to remove with the needle nose pliers and pop the LENGTH

Vinyl Flooring Patterns For Your Next Project

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